Nightingale – Device Control Mobile App


Device Control Mobile App ExperienceDesign

Nightingale is a soundmaskingdevice that uses advanced technology to block out the noise of the world for a peaceful night’s sleep. The device, itself, has a multitude of available features and I was tasked with designing an intuitive interface that introduces the device’s many controls and helps the user customizetheir ideal settings.

My Role:

  • Product Development

    Working witha small team, we identified the most important features users would needto control their Nightingale devices from anywhere. Many hardware/firmware limitations required some creative thinking and we were able to optimizethe mobile app to make the best use of the device’s robust capabilities.

    competitor analysis, personas, mvp feature set

  • Experience Design

    Considering the relative newness of this type of device control and its wide range of available features, it was essential that the experience be as straightforward and friction-free. I developed the product experience focusing on progressive on-boarding to introduce the user to the device’s capabilities and help them achieve a “set it and forget it” level of confident customization.

    experience maps, interaction design, wireframes

  • States Logic

    The complexities of the many state combinations achievable by the device controls required careful consideration. At every stage, I worked with the dev team to map out the various controls and state logic of the system.

    states logic diagrams

  • Interface Design

    The interface had to be clean and simple, while still giving the user plenty of guidance on setting up and using the devices. I designed an interface that was light yet intuitive, encouraging users to take full advantage of the device’s unique features.

    UI designs and style guides, high-resolution mockups

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